Benefits of Membership
Have your voice heard. The P&C is the supporting body of parents and caregivers and ensures your feedback is factored into decision making. By attending P&C meetings (even if it's only one a year), you can have a say in the P&C's focus and objectives and the nature of contributions the P&C makes to support the school. It's also a great way to meet other parents and learn more about your child's school life.
Being a member of the P&C, you will receive monthly emails from the P&C President keeping you informed of the upcoming meetings and any decisions made at P&C meetings.
How to join:
1. Complete a membership form
2. Provide your completed membership form to the Administration Office or email to the P&C Secretary.
3. Attend the P&C meeting for your membership application to be ratified. Note: you must be present at a meeting for your application form to be ratified, with the one exception being any membership application lodged at the AGM. You do not need to be present at the AGM for your membership to be ratified.