
Instrumental music


​​Students at our school participate in classroom music instruction as part of the curriculum and can also be involved in the extra-curricular programs on offer.

Lake Clarendon State School boasts a wonderful Instrumental music program and currently supports these ensembles: 

The program varies throughout the year with competition performances, school based performances, community performances. Often, an ensemble will be mentored by professional musicians.  Costs are associated with these extra-curricular programs and more details are available in the programs listed on the left of this page.

Choral Program

Students in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to be involved in our choir – It meets once per week and performs the National Anthem on assembly. 

Instrumental Program

Here at Lake Clarendon State School we pride ourselves on offering our students an instrumental music program that is diverse, enriching and enjoyable for both participants and audiences.

The instruments played by our students are grouped within their musical family. 

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone
BrassTrumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium, Baritone, Tuba
StringsViolin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
PercussionXylophone, Glockenspiel, Wood Block, Triangle, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, etc.


Instrumental Music specialist in Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion visit the school weekly.  Lessons of half hour duration will be given on a group basis to between three and ten students.


There is a hire program available for students selected to play an instrument.  The hire agreements vary amongst the instruments and there are additional costs associated with various instruments which are outlined to families who agree to participate in the programs.

Selection of Students for the Instrumental Programs

The Instrumental Music Coordinator together with advice from the classroom teacher select and recommend suitable students for inclusion in the Instrumental Music Program.  The placement of students in the program rests with final approval from the Principal.  For the program to be a success and for the students to gain fulfilment and personal development the following are to be kept in mind -

  • selecting the right student for an instrument
  • selecting the right instrument for a student
  • continuity of instruction,  and
  • selecting for the purpose of a balanced ensemble

    Factors to be considered when selecting pupils -
  • The musical ability of the pupil as determined by a test of musical aptitude.  For Strings, Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion this test will be administered to students in Year 3in October.
  • The advice of the classroom Music Teacher.
  • The student's physical characteristics likely to affect the choice of instrument.
  • The student's capacity to cope intellectually with the ongoing demands involved in learning an instrument including ability to catch up on class work.
  • The student's likely commitment to study/daily instrumental practice, commitment to attendance at lessons, rehearsals etc.
  • Parental support to the students musical endeavours.


    If a position in the program is turned down by a student/family after being offered an instrument, during the initial selection process, the student concerned is no longer eligible for selection for any other instrument. 

    Public Performances

    The Instrumental Music Instructors will arrange a number of public performances throughout the year, e.g. Annual School Concert, participating in various school functions and assemblies.

Last reviewed 06 February 2025
Last updated 06 February 2025