At Lake Clarendon State School we focus on achieving the best possible results for each student. To achieve this goal it is sometimes necessary to engage the services of other professionals within the department. A number of services are available to our school either on a regular basis or on request. If you have any concerns about your child’s academic or social progress, please discuss this with their class teacher. The class teacher can complete a referral, outlining the issues, to submit to the student well being committee, which meets each fortnight. The committee reviews all referrals and proposes a course of action.
Regular services
Inclusion Support Teacher
Our inclusion support teacher, Janine Hannant, assists staff in completing academic assessments and planning to enhance literacy and numeracy programs for students experiencing difficulties. Janine may also work with students on these programs.
Guidance officer
Our guidance officer, Renee Tupicoff, visits the school one day per week. Renee conducts cognitive and academic assessment and assists in providing information that helps teachers plan appropriate learning experiences.
Speech language pathologist
Our Speech language pathologist, Grace Bracker, visits the school on a weekly basis. Grace conducts assessments addressing speech and language issues including pronunciation, language and language processing. They also assist staff by providing programs for students with issues in this area.
Services on request
Advisory visiting teachers (AVT)
AVTs in each disability categories are available to visit the school to work with staff in addressing issues arising from the education of students with disabilities. Each AVT specialises in a particular disability area including Intellectual Impairment, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Hearing Impairment, Sight Impairment, Physical Impairment and Speech Language Impairment. AVTs in other areas such as behaviour are also available to the school.